Weight; Gain – MidWeek March 31, 2021

According to a recent American Psychological Association poll, 42% of Americans indicated that they’d gained “more weight than they intended” over the past year. Average weight gain? 29 pounds! Ouch… And 10% admitted to gaining 50+ pounds. Plus 33% polled said they’ve slept less during the pandemic; the potential for PTSD and other mental (as well as physical and emotional) disorders may linger long after the vaccination solution has calmed things down in the coming months.

Just over half the respondents in the APA poll said they are exercising less due to the pandemic and 68% said they are snacking more. Gotta do something when streaming and binge-watching, I guess. 

We all know that added weight, combined with general fatigue, anxiety, and less exercise over a prolonged period of time is a potentially toxic recipe for multiple health problems, so the question becomes just how quickly will affected people “recuperate” once things get back to something like our benign (in retrospect), pre-March-2020 local  lifestyle?

If you work for a large employer, there’s a chance that it offers a confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP). If so, it’s worth making a call just to talk to someone, anonymously, without judgment. There is no shame in asking for advice, help, or a connection. Asking for help is actually a sign of strength as you come to grips with what’s gripping you during this abnormal time.

You, and everyone around you, can benefit if you’re willing to reach out. Call your health care provider or a local mental health entity to get direction and clarity. And please understand that you are most assuredly not alone. Anxiety, depression, hopelessness, helplessness- the COVID fallout list goes on. But there is hope and there are answers. Millions feel just like you do in this most cruel and unusual year of the pandemic, even now, with a possible end in sight (i.e. mass vaccinations).

Lack of exercise, energy, clarity, or the resources to resolve issues can be addressed and dealt with today. Or tomorrow. There’s no need to wait any longer. Give yourself a break; no need to tough it out- especially after 13-months. The State has a crisis line, and there are other avenues to travel down to find the relief that so many people deserve and need. Mental consternation? COVID blues? Weight gain? Eh, No wait.. gain answers.

Think about it…