Paper Tigers – MidWeek January 29, 2025

Since 2018, using a cellphone in a crosswalk for a reason other than calling 911 has been against the law locally. The problem is one of actual enforcement. We see transgressors doing this dubious, digital deed daily, but we’re not in charge; we’re not enforcers.

Driving above the speed limit is (obviously) against the law. So, when testosterone- challenged individuals weave precariously through traffic on highways, we shake our heads and proceed on our way; normally, no one’s around to nab nincompoops. Again, enforcement is understandably not available while the act occurs. It’s illegal to annoy birds in local public parks… anybody nabbed someone doing that?

Frustratingly, we have problems enforcing numerous, existing laws. It’s improbable to expect law enforcement to be in the right place at the right time to produce airtight cases against miscreants. Heck, we’re short-staffed on our police forces and in other security areas to begin with. 

That’s why proposed 2025 ordinances against aerial ordnances (aka illegal fireworks) seem like potential paper tigers- things that looks powerful or threatening but, in fact, may be ineffectual or simply not hold up in court. The annual and dangerous proliferation of pyrotechnic displays we see here must be minimized, or at least corralled. Perhaps City/state-run aerial extravaganzas run by professionals might attract crowds to safe(r) places, away from houses and gazing neighbors. 

Of course, then people would have to get up and go somewhere. Everyone feels bad about this past New Year’s horrible fireworks tragedy, yet we seem to just wanna watch, year after deafening year. Anonymously narc-ing on lawbreaking neighbors offers no guarantee of imminent action; it takes time for patrols (if available) to arrive and catch someone(s) in the pyro-act.

A new, bill proposal would make possessing 25+ pounds of illegal fireworks a more punitive crime. But what if fireworks have already been detonated before officers show up? Will discarded, detonated fireworks casings on site- after presumed usage- be strong enough evidence to hold up in court? Will witnesses testify? Historically, too few convictions have stuck. 

We won’t feel/be safer until laws are enacted that have teeth. The legal intent is sincere, but local law enforcement officials are stretched thin nowadays handling daily community needs, so ensuring greater tracking, vigilance, and results is a tough ask. More/better reconnaissance year-round might cut into supply chains (another difficult task); additional airtight convictions would provide more peace and quiet.

Think about it…