‘O Wai Kou Inoa? – MidWeek July 24, 2024

We see a rich and inventive panoply of first names in Hawai`i. Whether due to family traditions, paying homage, or clever mashups, parents sometimes come up with fascinating or more traditional first names for their keiki. 

According to the Social Security Administration, the top boys’ name locally in 2023 was Elijah, barely edging out Liam, which has been the top name nationally for newborn boys for seven straight years. Neeson rules… “Taken” indeed! New parents talk, and the “I like that name…” concept sparks repetition. For girls, Isla was #1 here in 2023, followed by Mia and Olivia. Olivia has topped the name game chart nationally since 2019.

Biblical names score well nowadays; Liam is the only non-Biblical boys name among our top five (Elijah, Noah, Ezekial, and Lucas). Keep in mind that Social Security rankings do not group names, so different spellings/variations of a name each get separate billing- like Caitlyn, Kaitlin, and Caitlin…

Of the top 20 boys’ names registered here in 2023, two might be considered somewhat unique(r) to Hawai`i- Kai (#6) and Koa (#19). Top Hawai`i girls’ names from 2023 with arguably local flair include Mia (#2), Kaia (#8), and Mahina (#11). Maya (#12) is often seen as Maia locally, but Maia didn’t make the 2023 top 100.

50 years ago, the top boys names here were Michael, Jason, Christopher, and David, while Jennifer led the girls’ names, followed by Michelle, Kimberly, and Lisa. I’ll bet we all know of few of these Golden Jubilee celebrants, yeh?

One surprise is that the name Taylor (boy or girl) has been on a downward slide since 1996. So much for a Swift(ie) appropriation on the top of these charts. “Game of Thrones” names remain hot nationally… good luck explaining some of those monikers to new acquaintances in 2074. The total number of different names in use nationally has more than doubled since 1974. 

The saying, “Variety is the spice of life” originated 240 years ago (English poet William Cowper) and when it comes to naming newborns, we see a plethora of new names  alongside historical favorites. 14 boys locally were bequeathed the name Atlas last year… alas, a heavy burden to shoulder. So hello to Isla, Elijah and all of you hip ‘23ers. We look forward to hearing from you as you blossom in the decades ahead. ‘O wai kou inoa (what is your name)?

Think about it…