Banana Sunday – MidWeek March 5, 2025

It’s not often you find yourself attacked by a bunch of bananas. That never happens! Oh, really? While driving home on a side road on a Sunday, I must’ve driven too close to the curb, while still maintaining my driving lane. The wind gusted, and a mammoth grouping of bananas (otherwise known as a “hand”) smacked into my passenger mirror, knocking it off its holder.

Yet the mirror did not break, the wiring remained intact, and I could still control the mirror remotely. The mirror’s internal screws were stripped or snapped, plastic was cracked, but I found a roll of appropriately colored electrical tape (nope, not duct tape), and now I have pretty good use of said mirror until I get it repaired.

And the sooner I get it repaired, the better, because having to tell anyone who asks: “what happened to your mirror?” is either too embarrassing, too funny, or too unbelievable to have to go into detail about for too long. I’m actually just telling this to you and no one else, as I really don’t want to engage in further conversation about the slip up.

I could lament or whine that if I was only driving in Minnesota, this never would’ve happened. I could opine that if the responsible homeowner of that wayward, Satanic banana tree had properly maintained his/her yard- or at least plucked the over-hanging gang of yellow (not green) bananas- peace would have prevailed.

But no; we have far too many victims and excuse-makers in our midst. Sometimes you’ve just gotta take it upon yourself to say, “oh well, I screwed up”. A life goal is to learn from your mistakes or things you never want to do, see or be part of again. 

I vouch to never again drive close enough to low-hanging fruit in windy conditions, avoiding a possible collision. I love banana cream pie but don’t enjoy getting banana creamed. Trust me, there’s nothing a-peeling about stopping your car to assess damage from a potassium-rich fruit cluster. And yes, (continuing in the banana vein) my ego was bruised by the incident; I did slip up. Sometimes, we need to avoid low-hanging fruit.    

I’ve moved on, overcoming this banana blame game to realize that I still love living in our flourishing flora haven, despite unimaginable dangers of wandering fruit. When life gives you a plethora of bananas… make a smoothie.

Think about it… 

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