Stranger Things – MidWeek May 24, 2023

There is no mailbox in my neighborhood anymore. Apparently, some waste of space vandalized the old one twice, and the post office simply decided to remove it. Problem solved… kinda.

We’ve been advised not to leave outgoing mail in our home mailboxes and advertise it with the mailbox flag raised. That’s literally a red flag, letting lurking mailbox thieves know there’s something in there. As some correspondence does contain personal information, it’s probably sage advice. So, without traipsing around to adjoining neighborhoods to seek a free-standing, public mailbox, we now drop our letters off at the nearest post office… about 10-minutes away. One person’s predilection for causing anonymous angst impacts hundreds… on a regular basis. It’s sad how these things happen and we’re left to ponder, “how come?”

…like when vendors remove “your” bottle cap upon purchasing a beverage at sporting events. This apparently keeps people from slipping on full, dropped bottles, and also prevents misguided individuals from throwing the projectiles. But capless bottles are more likely to spill, and then someone might slip on the liquid. If I’m really intent (i.e. a moron) on tossing a bottle with the intent to do harm, I could just stuff it with some paper towels in lieu of the absent cap. And if I’m really a pre-ordained reprobate, I’d probably just bring my own cap from home.

If you think a bottle cap banishment seems odd, here are a few actual local laws… you cannot put a coin in your ear. Seriously. I assume that a coin earring is OK, unless you deface a legally minted coin to create said earring. Thus, if you ask someone for “a penny for your thoughts”, remember that he/she can’t pull it out of his/her ear.

It’s illegal to annoy birds (any birds) while in a local state park? You mustn’t even shoo them away while dining. Which local birds were queried as to what they consider “annoying” when this law was passed? Hmmm, perhaps it’s outdated, and thus time to set up an ad hoc committee, public forum, white paper, or research analysis to further delineate, because time flies… like birds.

Lastly (for today)… until recently, you couldn’t possess two alcoholic beverages in front of you at a bar at the same time. Apparently, if you partook of a slammer and both glasses contained alcohol, you could’ve been hauled off to the slammer.

Think about it…