So Now What? – MidWeek November 16, 2022

The placards are gone, the ads have stopped and so have pre-election promises. It’s now time for action and integrity. While empathy is in short supply these days (don’t blame the pandemic and inflation), our now-elected officials must take responsibility and live up to their self-created platitudes by making vital decisions, changes, and course corrections where necessary.

Our world really isn’t red or blue, it’s shades of purple. Most people are not inherently evil or fully sanctimonious. We are certainly a flawed species, but we’re the best we’ve got, or something like that… so let’s be the best we can be.

It’s now time for the chosen leaders to lead. They’ve been elected to make decisions, ponder the difficult and direct us on a course toward betterment (a subjective concept). Let’s be inclusive, not exclusive. Perhaps we can turn the letter “m” upset down into a “w” more often. Huh? Many people need to think and feel more about “we” than “me”. You flip the “m” upside down and it’s a “w”, which opens to a bigger picture. See? 

We need to replace ego with “we go”. We need to stop thinking about “my” and start thinking about “why” (again, flipping that “m”)? We can care about our 401(k), but we let’s make sure that others are also OK. The cost of ignoring or pushing problems down the road is usually more expensive than intelligently acting via firm decisions. While many politicians pontificate pre-election, they too often then hunker down as their tenure unfolds to ensure re-election (i.e.- job security); but right now is a time for bold action here, though obviously will disagree with decisions. Of course, no official ever gets 100% of the public’s vote, and since majority rules, accept the fact that there’ll be dissenters when you make big decisions. 

Many local dilemmas have become annuals; it’s governmental “Groundhog Day” as far too many issues linger- sometimes in the background- but invariably come back to haunt us and taunt us. So, enough talk about annuals- universal pre-K education, homelessness, traffic, tourism, HART, TMT, affordable housing, North Shore O`ahu parking and erosion mitigation, new economic opportunities, outmigration, overcrowded prisons, land usage, tourism’s role, the Natatorium and Haiku Stairway to Heaven… feel free to insert your favorites (or least favorites).

So respectfully, leaders- please lead. Don’t just manage, administer, reiterate, ignore, or restate the obvious. Lead.

Think about it…