Getting The Led Out – MidWeek August 18, 2021

It might not qualify as a miracle, but spending a safe evening out with friends can still be a rare luxury these days.  Rightfully wary about attending large, social events for the past 18-months, and even though now vaccinated, many are still having second thoughts about socializing as COVID cases here have risen dramatically this summer.

So it was a pleasure to dine outside with a few friends and then rock to the enthralling sounds of the Hawai`i Symphony Orchestra and Windborne’s “Music of Led Zeppelin” recently under the stars at the Waikiki Shell. With a rare, August breeze omni-present, plus contact tracing, mandated proof of vaccine, and social distancing in the seating area, it was a great night to watch symphonic rock frets born from Chicago and Delta blues without fretting too much about the virulent, Delta variant blues.

I’d somewhat forgotten how live music can lift one’s spirit, soul, and physical essence, as we soaked up one classic Led Zeppelin cut after another. Mesmerizing, mellifluous music for the masses, a beautiful venue, a gorgeous night, and a fulfilling dinner- all things we might have simply been called “Friday” two years ago, nowadays it’s an elusive wonder.

The orchestra provided ample depth to the Windborne players, which included a few spell-binding solos by electric performers. The authentically-covered Zep tunes were performed in the right register by Brody Dolyniuk, who’s sincere, soaring Robert Plant-istic vocals included memorable grunts at the appropriate moments in a dozen familiar tunes. It took me back to July 7, 1973, when I happily witnessed the real Led Zeppelin at Chicago Stadium; yup, 48-years ago…

And with few cell phones obnoxiously held up for inane, social media one-upmanship (“nanny nanny boo boo- look where I was that you weren’t”), the show flowed without interruption, save for an unnecessary 20-minute intermission. I mean come on, older people do need to get home by 9pm! 

But the point is, if just for one night, I was happily reminded how the old normal felt, and reawakened to what we will inevitably get back to, albeit later than we planned due to… well, never mind, we’re divided enough without another pundit’s shot in the arm. So keep on rockin’ in the free world (thanks Neil Young) and search for safe, soul-salvaging diversions until the coast- and everywhere else- is clear enough to let your guard down.

Think about it…