Carp Arts – MidWeek August 30, 2023

Cars and trucks have gotten bigger- increased demand for roominess, fitting in more people, safety regulations, etc. It becomes apparent when you just look at cars/trucks today vs. 10+ years ago. What hasn’t gotten biggerare most local parking spaces throughout our parking-challenged state. Have ya tried wedging yourself out of your car recently, even when both you and your adjacently parked neighbor are well within the lines? Good luck not dinging your door or theirs.

The attempt to extricate and contort oneself from a tight parking slot now qualifies as an Olympic sport, and (of course) it’s always worse trying this move after dining out. Space is at a premium in many congested areas of Hawai`i; we understand… the price of land and all that. But perhaps land owners/leasing gurus can empathize as today’s vehicles (and, it appears, humans, too) have gotten bigger, and parking slot size should adjust accordingly. Come on malls, hotels, parking garages, beach stalls, school lots- you can do it!

And for those who persist in obnoxiously parking over well-marked demarcation lines (whether due to cluelessness or a simple lack of caring), may soaring birds leave a telling gift on your hood as a simple, karmic response. For truck enthusiasts who persist in parking in “compact only” stalls just “because”… may your dashboard “warning” light appear long before your next service checkup is due. 

Also, driving is not meant to be a contact sport, but here it’s mid-2023 and our vehicular accident numbers keep climbing. Pedestrians and bicyclists always lose, but cars rear-ending other vehicles or crossing the center line seem to be occurring with greater frequency. Could it be distraction from digital devices, colorful and over-stimulating dashboard monitors, or even french fries? What’s up with that guy weaving in and out, only to end up a mere two cars ahead of you at the next stop light? Or the Indy 500 wannabes going 85+ MPH on H-3 who’ve enjoyed far too many testosterone supplements or caffeinated drinks?

Driving is a licensed privilege, not a right. But in a world where “me first” predominates and individual wants far exceed community needs far too often, it’s no surprise that we see more of this “collateral damage” when autos and trucks become weapons.

How ‘bout everyone takes a deep breath, parks nicely, drives responsibly, and saves their pent up whatever for inane video games at home.

Think about it…