As Years Go By – MidWeek November 2, 2022

This article marks the beginning of my fourth year writing for MidWeek readers. Adding 19+ years of writing/airing twice weekly “Think About It” editorial pieces on KHNL and  KFVE, I figure I’ve now offered up about 2,136 presentations to get you to… well, at least think about it. Some might suggest that it figures that my first article in MidWeek coincided with Halloween- what a horror. Of course, they’re probably not reading these bits any more, are they?

There are weeks when I’ve thought, “Now what?” Writing editorials is a joy, except when it’s not. For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, oh wait… those are wedding vows. Concocting weekly stories to entertain, educate, enthrall, or infuriate people requires work, but like marriage (or at least a good one) it’s hopefully worth it in the end.

Trying to write something weekly that is possibly unique, interesting, funny, touching, enlightening, or intelligent during the lengthy COVID quarantine was a challenge, to say the least. I purposely avoided writing yet one more insipid COVID commentary for many months- to spare both you and me.

Writing (or broadcasting) editorials has allowed me to more clearly focus on what’s around us in a broad sense, perhaps trying to cast a larger philosophical net over local realities and quirks, suggesting things that might encourage you to reflect, laugh, or even take positive action.

I found a new fruit- chico (sapodilla)- which I happily savor when it’s in season. I’ve learned to truly celebrate basic things we take for granted- like one’s health or purpose in the universe, or even having a place to go to and from (home and work) every day and night. I’ve come to appreciate more deeply my incredible wife and the awesome healing power of music, as well as the value of communities coming together during crises, which I witness first-hand daily through my co-workers at Aloha United Way and other amazing, community-based, partner agencies. 

I’ve been commenting now (officially) for 22-years, articulating or bloviating (your call) on local issues that too often get kicked down the road without resolution- the deteriorating Natatorium and Koolau Stairway to Heaven, reasonably-priced housing, vibrant economic options beyond tourism, the homeless conundrum, rapid transit, TMT, sovereignty, North Shore parking and erosion, a secondary leeward highway conduit… the list goes on, and so will these weekly pieces. Thanks for reading.

Think about it…